
"Namhal" is a complaint management system for Namal Residency.With "Namhal", in hand, means an app that can easily manage services regarding residency complaints, and much more. With such an application, management and controlling of data which took a lot of time is much more easy and comfortable for administration and managers of different services as well. Moreover, "Namhal" offers a very handy Dashboard, where different data is shown to the user, administrator, manager, and worker with respect to time and required domain of need. The complete flow of system is divided into a layered architecture. Each layer consist of a user with different access and responsibilities. The top layer is Admin which add manager,services,worker,address and users. Users are added by the admin because the organization has complete record of it and in this way no unwanted user will be added in system. The admin can view work of each manager like how many complaints has been handled what is the feedback of each complaint and what is the average time been taken to complete the complaints by applying different filter specific to service,manager or worker. Manager will handle all the complaints connected to his services.Each manager will have one or many services under him. He will add worker to complaints and update the progress of work done. Manager can view the progress of worker and services under him. Manager can also reject a complaint if it is not valid. The user can add complaints , view progress of work, give feedback after completion or reissue the complaint if the work is not completed as required. The worker can view the work assigned to him,update work progress and apply for leave. Every user will be notified about its complaints. All type of users can download the reports of complaints. Every user can filter the complaints according to status of search the complaints.

Keywords: Android Application Development
Tools: Android Studio,Flutter,Dart
Department: Department of Computer Science

Project Team Members

Name Email
Zia Ur Rehman
Sidra Ayesha
Muhmmad Ali Raza

Project Poster

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