Contactless Automatic Attendance Management System

In today’s world where time is money, people are trying hard to make every second count. Moreover, in current times where the world is suffering from COVID, it is very important to maintain social distancing, as advised by the World Health Organization (WHO), but it is impossible to avoid any physical contact with biometric fingerprints and cards check-in devices. In hospitals, industries, offices, and educational institutes where thousands of people work, their attendance marking is a big issue. Generally, attendance is marked by calling names, cards check-in, and biometric fingerprint. These all methods have drawbacks like time consumption, misuse of check-in cards, and physical disabilities. The solution we propose to all these problems is based on Real-Time Video Processing Contactless Attendance Management System based on machine learning and MySQL. We are using a Convolutional Neural Network for facial recognition. The dataset used for training the CNN model consists of images of our class fellows. A 4 megapixel IP camera is installed in a classroom that records the video of students attending the class. The best frame is extracted from the video and faces are detected and extracted from the selected frame using Haar Cascade and OpenCV. The extracted faces are passed to the CNN model for face recognition. The attendance is marked of the recognized student’s faces in the database designed in MySQL integrated with the CNN model.

Keywords: Face Recognition, OpenCV, Haar Cascade,Face Detection,Machine Learning,CNN
Tools: Google Colab, GPU, Python, MySQL,Jupyter Notebook,IP Camera
Department: Department of Electrical Engineering

Project Team Members

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Ameer Hamza
Amir Ali

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